Alpha Begged for My Love When I Stopped Caring Him

The day i lost my pup,my life hanging in the balance,but my mate still chose to save his Luna,leaving me fend for myself,abandoned and broken!

When I lost our pup in a brutal rival wolves ambush, my mate—Alpha Joshua of the Moonriver Pack—made a choice that shattered me.

In the midst of the chaos, with my life hanging in the balance, he looked at me—his Luna—and still ran to save her, another she-wolf, as if her life was the only one that mattered. He left me to fend for myself, abandoned and broken.

That same night, I lost everything—our baby, my trust, and the love I once had for him. Now, with my heart hardened and my bond to Joshua fraying, I must find the strength to move on, even if it means embracing the darkness that follows.


I glanced at Joshua, my mate, riding just ahead of me. His focus was fixed, his posture rigid—ready for anything that came our way. He had always been that way, a powerful Alpha, dedicated to protecting the pack. But lately, that protection had seemed... misplaced.

Behind him, Monique rode with her usual grace, her red hair catching the moonlight. She had been a member of our pack for less than a year, and yet she seemed to hold more of Joshua’s attention than I ever did. My wolf stirred uneasily at the thought, her instincts sharp and restless. I could feel her frustration, her need for recognition. We were Luna, after all. I was Luna.

But ever since Monique’s arrival, I felt like a ghost in my own pack. The way Joshua looked at her, the way he rushed to her side in every moment of need—it was enough to make me sick. And now, sitting here, just behind him, I could feel the growing distance between us more than ever.

I hadn’t told him yet. About the pregnancy. My hand rested lightly on my stomach, where our pup was growing inside me. I had wanted to tell him at the right moment, but when would that be? When his attention was constantly elsewhere?

My thoughts were interrupted by a howl cutting through the night, sharp and full of warning. A second later, the rival Wolf Pack burst from the trees, teeth bared and eyes glowing with hunger. My wolf reacted instantly, surging to the surface as I shifted in one smooth motion. My body transformed, fur bristling and claws extending.

“Ambush!” Alpha Joshua’s voice rang out as he shifted, his powerful black wolf leaping into action.

The rival wolf pack attacked from all sides, their foul scent filling the air. I dodged one, snapping my jaws at another, my movements fueled by the primal instinct to protect my pack—my unborn pup. I needed to be strong, I needed to survive this.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Monique struggling, fear flashing in her eyes as a rival wolf closed in on her. Let her fight, I thought. She wasn’t weak—she was a warrior like the rest of us

But Joshua… he saw her, too.

In the middle of the chaos, in the midst of battle, my mate turned away from the rival wolf attacking him and ran to her.

“Alpha!” I snarled through the mind-link, fury boiling inside me. But he didn’t hear me—or didn’t care.

He lunged in front of Monique, blocking the rival wolf’s attack, taking the hit meant for her. She clung to his fur, trembling, as he fought off the rival wolf with a savage growl.

And that was the moment.

The moment I realized I had lost him. Not just now, but long ago. He had chosen her, again and again, without even noticing it. My wolf howled inside me, the pain of that realization a knife to the heart. But I couldn’t afford to dwell on it now. There were still rival wolves to fight.

Each attack felt like a distraction from the real pain, the one I couldn’t fight with claws and teeth.

A rival wolf came at me from the side, faster than I expected. Its claws raked across my abdomen, and I stumbled, a sharp, tearing pain shooting through me. I yelped,as I collapsed onto the ground.


The pain wasn’t just from the wound. It was deeper—inside. I could feel it. The life inside me, fragile and precious, slipping away. My breath hitched as I pressed a shaking hand to my stomach, my vision blurring.

“No…” I whispered, barely able to form the word.

The world around me was still chaos—growls, howls—but all I could focus on was the loss. The life I had barely known, the secret I had kept. Gone.


Chapter 2

The days following the ambush felt like they stretched into months. I had returned to my duties, but it wasn’t the same. Something had shifted in me, and I knew I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

The pack moved on as if nothing had changed, but I had. The loss—my secret loss—cut deeper than any wound I could show. Joshua didn’t know, and he never would. It wasn’t something I could share with him, not anymore. He wouldn’t understand. How could he, when his heart was already elsewhere?

I threw myself into the routines. Morning patrols. Training. Meetings. But every move felt mechanical, like I was merely going through the motions of being Luna.

The whispers started soon after. “Where’s Luna Eloise?” they would ask when I wasn’t there, or “She hasn’t been the same since the attack.” They thought I couldn’t hear them, but I did.

Let them whisper. I didn’t care. Not anymore.


I was in the pack’s training grounds, watching a few of the warriors spar when I felt someone approach. The scent hit me before I saw him—Joshua. Pine and earth, the unmistakable scent of my mate. My wolf stirred slightly, but I forced her down. She wasn’t going to cloud my judgment. Not today.

“Eloise.” His voice was softer than usual, as if he knew something was off but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

I turned to him, meeting his gaze without flinching. “What do you want, Alpha?”

His eyes flickered with something—concern, maybe? But I wasn’t falling for that anymore. “You’ve been distant,” he said. “The pack needs you.”

I let out a bitter laugh. “The pack doesn’t need me. They need someone who cares enough to lead them. I’m not sure I’m that person anymore.”

Joshua frowned, taking a step closer. “What are you talking about? You’re Luna. You’ve always been strong for the pack.”

I shook my head, unable to hold back the frustration that had been building for weeks. “You don’t get it, do you? I’m not here to be your shadow, Alpha. I’m not here to clean up after your mistakes or pretend everything is fine.”

He stiffened, his jaw tightening. “I don’t see you as a shadow, Eloise.”

“Don’t you?” I snapped, my voice rising. “Because ever since Monique arrived, you’ve done nothing but put her first. You didn’t even see me! You didn’t notice what I was going through.”

Joshua blinked, taken aback by the force of my words. “Monique has nothing to do with this.”

“She has everything to do with this,” I shot back. “Every time you chose her over me, every time you went to her, leaving me behind... You think I didn’t notice? The entire pack noticed.”

His brow furrowed. “I was protecting her—”

“I know.” I cut him off. “And I understand. You’re Alpha. It’s your duty to protect the pack. But that’s not the problem, Alpha. It’s that you didn’t protect me. You didn’t even ask how I was after the ambush. You didn’t see me.”

He stared at me, speechless for a moment. “I—”

“I lost something that day, Alpha,” I said, my voice softer now, more broken than I wanted it to be. “And you never even asked. You never cared enough to notice.”

“What are you talking about?” His voice dropped, concern creeping in now.

I pressed my lips together, the words clawing at my throat. I lost our child, I wanted to scream. But I didn’t. What would be the point? He hadn’t noticed I was pregnant, and now it was too late.


Chapter 3

The decision to leave didn’t come suddenly—it was the result of years of neglect, of small betrayals that I had tried to ignore. I had told myself over and over that things would get better, that Joshua would come back to me, and that his attention on Monique was temporary. But I was lying to myself.

Each time I saw him with her, each time he chose her over me, a part of me broke. And I had let it happen. I had stood by, silent, while my mate—the Alpha—showered Monique with the attention that should have been mine. I had been blind to it for so long, convincing myself that Joshua’s bond with me would overcome everything. But it hadn’t.

The ambush had opened my eyes, and now, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t close them again. I couldn’t unsee the truth. The truth that Joshua had been pulling away from me for years. The truth that he had chosen Monique long before that attack. I had been blind, but I wasn’t anymore.

That evening, as I sat by the window of our shared room, the memories flooded back. It wasn’t just one incident—it had been a thousand small moments, piling up until I could no longer breathe under the weight of them.

The first time was subtle. Monique had only just joined the pack. She was the daughter of an allied Alpha, and Joshua had been tasked with making her feel welcome. I had brushed off their growing closeness at first. I told myself that he was just doing his duty, that it was nothing more than him being a good Alpha.

But then came the missed dinners, the moments where I would catch them training together for hours while I stood on the sidelines, watching like a stranger. The way he would cancel our meetings to spend time with her, always with some flimsy excuse about “pack meeting” or “strengthening alliances.” And I had accepted it. Every time, I told myself it didn’t mean anything. That we were stronger than this.

But the day of the ambush had shattered that illusion. He had chosen her. In the heat of battle, when instinct ruled, he hadn’t come to me. He hadn’t protected me, his Luna, his mate. He had protected her. And in that moment, something inside me broke. That was when I realized: I had been nothing more than an afterthought for him, a title without meaning.

Now, as I sat there, staring at the bag I had packed, I knew I couldn’t stay any longer. I couldn’t live in the shadow of a mate who didn’t see me.

I walked over to the desk, the weight of my decision heavy on my chest. But it wasn’t sadness I felt—it was a strange kind of relief. I picked up a pen and stared at the blank sheet of paper. What could I even say? How do you put years of hurt into words?


I’ve tried for so long to make this work. I’ve tried to believe that we could find our way back to each other, but I can’t do it anymore.

You’ve been drifting away from me for years, and I was too blind to see it. Too blind to admit that you’ve chosen Monique over me time and time again. I’ve tried to convince myself that things would change, but they haven’t. And they won’t.

I can’t stay in a place where I’m no longer respected or seen. I deserve better than being someone’s second choice.

This is goodbye.



I finally found a good place to read novels!