After I Dumped Him, He Begged for Me

Chapter 1

As the elevator plummeted from the top floor, a violent drop that seemed endless yet painfully brief.

I felt the sharp pain and blood seeping through my clothes. My mind screamed at the horror of it all, because my baby, the tiny life inside me, slipped away.

As soon as the paramedics arrived, they wrapped me in blood-streaked bandages, lifting my broken body onto a stretcher.

There, I saw a glimpse of my boyfriend, Nicholas Richmond, who came back from the meeting with his secretary, Courtney Miller.

His arm protectively curled around Courtney, then he shielded her eyes with a gentle touch, whispering, “Do not look. It is too awful.”

Without another glance, they stepped through the doors and into the building, leaving me behind.

The realization was like a second fall. It seemed that five years was nothing for him, because I was never that important to Nicholas, while Courtney’s sweet smile would always occupy his every thought.

That time, I made a decision I had hesitated before, a job offer from a rival company that had been on the table for weeks.

I called them. “I am ready to accept your offe!”


After two long days in the hospital, I was finally discharged.

Yet, despite my release, there was no relief. The ache in my heart was far deeper than the physical wounds.

I was leaving the hospital alone, no longer carrying the life I had just discovered was growing inside me.

The morning of the accident had been surreal. A positive test, a flutter of hope, then a nightmare unfolding before I had even grasped the reality.

While packing my few belongings, I whispered to myself, “I do not even know how far along I was.”

The thought cut through me like a knife. The baby in my belly had been too small and too fragile after all.

Suddenly, the door to my room creaked open, pulling me from my thoughts.

For a brief, foolish moment, I hoped it was Nicholas. But it was not. A driver stood there instead.

“Miss McLain, Mr. Richmond had a sudden meeting. He sent me to pick you up,” the driver explained, his voice polite and detached. “Let me carry your things.”

I exhaled slowly, feeling the familiar sting of disappointment.

Nicholas always had an excuse, something pressing, something more important. But when Courtney needed anything, he was never too busy.

Two days in the hospital, and not once did he show his face. He had not called, had not come. Nothing.

“No need. I have got it,” I replied, forcing a smile as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out.

The ride home was quiet. The city lights flickered past in a blur, but I could not focus on anything outside the window.

Inside, it felt darker than the night itself. By the time we pulled up to the house, I was numb.

“We are here, Miss,” the driver said, gently bringing me back to the present.

I reached for my handbag, preparing to step out when something caught my eye. Tucked between the seat cushions was a delicate piece of blue dress, which was not mine.

My stomach twisted. I discreetly grabbed it, slipping it into my bag before the driver opened my door.

Once in my room, I tossed the blue dress onto my dresser, trying to ignore the painful questions racing through my mind. Who did it belong to? And why was it there?

The shower indeed washed away the grime of the hospital, but it did nothing to cleanse the doubt that simmered within me.

However, I brushed it off and climbed into bed, hoping for sleep.

When morning came, I woke to the familiar yet unsettling sight of Nicholas lying beside me.

It had become a routine: him slipping into bed unnoticed after I had already fallen asleep, as if our lives had become nothing more than parallel lines.

We were close, but never touching anymore.

His eyes fluttered open under my gaze. “You are awake?” he asked, his voice groggy with sleep.

I did not respond. Instead, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat in silence.

“If you are still feeling unwell, you do not need to go into work,” he added, sitting up.

“There is too much piling up. I cannot afford to take more time off,” I replied.

My words were flat, emotionless, but inside, a plan was taking shape. I needed to finish what was left at the office, so I could hand in my resignation and leave that life behind.

Nicholas nodded, oblivious to the distance between us. “Well, after all your injuries are just superficial. You will heal quickly,” he said, slipping into the bathroom, phone in hand, as was his routine.

I watched the door close behind him in disappointment.

He used to take showers fast, but it changed lately. With his phone always in tow, the duration stretched.

However, I could not bring myself to care anymore. I made my way to a different bathroom, determined to avoid him for as long as possible.

When I finished dressing, Nicholas was already sitting on the sofa, a newspaper in hand. He glanced up at me, sarcasm lacing his words. “Skipping our morning coffee ritual? You must be in quite the rush.”

I ignored his attempt at humor, my voice devoid of any warmth. “It slipped my mind.”

A sigh escaped him as he set the paper down. “Fine. Let’s get to the office early then.”

We had always gone to the office together, ever since deciding to move in three years ago.

Back then, everything felt aligned. We had the same goals, the same routines. But lately, I had begun to feel a shift, a subtle but unmistakable discomfort creeping in.

Nicholas seemed more attached to his phone than to me. Even when I grew distant, hoping he would notice, he carried on as though nothing had changed, like my silence meant nothing.

That morning, I sat quietly in the car as Nicholas, focused on his phone, suddenly spoke up. "I need coffee. Let’s stop by the takeaway to get breakfast," he said to the driver, not sparing me a glance.

“Yes, sir,” the driver replied, the words punctuated by the quiet tap of Nicholas's fingers on his screen.

From the corner of my eye, I could see him chatting with Courtney, his secretary.

[Nicholas: I left early because Frey had a lot to catch up on after taking yesterday off. Do not rush though, take your time this morning.]

[Courtney: I understand, her team has been busy lately, so she must feel guilty about it. You also should take it easy, Nick. Your schedule is light today, just some proposals to review and a meeting later.]

[Nicholas: Good. Can you also make a reservation at the usual place for lunch?]

[Courtney: Of course! Any preference on what to try today?]

I stopped reading after that, feeling the sting of their easy camaraderie.

Plans, always plans, but never with me. I was not part of the lunches or the lighthearted conversations. It was as if they were the ones in a relationship, not Nicholas and I.

So, what was I to him, really?

Soon, we arrived at the takeaway. Nicholas rolled down the window, casually giving his order.

“I want a hot Americano and an iced Americano. Oh, and a caramel Frappe too. Plus, one chocolate croissant and two peanut butter croissants. That will be all.”

I did not think much of it at first, assuming he ordered more for the driver. But after collecting the food, he handed me the iced Americano and peanut butter croissant.

I stared at the croissant, stunned.

‘After five years, did he still not remember that I am allergic to peanuts?’ I wondered.

I could not help glancing at the chocolate croissant and caramel Frappe he kept for himself. It was almost laughable. Was he saving them for Courtney?

The sting of betrayal ran deeper with every small act.

As a result, my voice was cold when I handed the breakfast to the driver at the front. “Please take this. I am allergic to peanuts.”

Only then did Nicholas seem to realize her mistake. “Oh, right,” he said with an air of indifference. “I forgot. Let’s turn back.”

“No need,” I replied sharply. “Just head to the office. I will pick up something nearby.”

“Fine,” he said, the conversation dropping into an icy silence.

As the office loomed ahead, I reached into my bag, then retrieved a paper bag I had prepared earlier.

I handed it to him casually. “Oh, right, I forgot to mention. I packed this for Courtney.”

Nicholas’s brows furrowed as he accepted it, curiosity briefly flashing in his eyes. But when he peeked inside, his face drained of color.

Chapter 2

At that time, Nicholas surely did not think he would be caught red-handed by me so easily.

And worse, it should have happened while I was in the hospital, fragile and alone, just two days ago.

However, I did not expect his shock was almost amusing for me, what was more, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Yet, before mustering an excuse, he caught the calm look on my face and decided to play it off. “She is always so careless,” he said lightly.

I did not respond. Instead, I opened the car door and stepped out, breaking yet another habit.

I had always waited for Nicholas to get out first, but not that day.

However, it turned out that my sudden shift did not faze him in the slightest. No amount of indifference from me could crack his façade of self-assurance.

“Shameless,” I muttered under my breath as I joined the queue for the elevator.

But as I stood there, the memory of the accident came flooding back, the panic.

My breathing quickened, and for a moment, I felt as though the walls were closing in around me.

So, I closed my eyes, repeating to myself, “It is just your imagination, Freida. It is not real. Everything is fine.”

When I opened my eyes, I was still trembling. Without hesitation, I left the line and headed for the emergency stairs.

They seemed to stretch endlessly above me, and I sighed, trying to muster some motivation.

“Well, at least it is exercise,” I muttered, starting the long climb.

By the time I reached the office, the quiet space welcomed me. No one else had arrived yet, so I took the opportunity to sit down and draft my resignation letter.

Each word I typed felt like a release, like shedding the weight of years spent waiting, hoping, and feeling invisible.

Once finished, I headed to the break room to make my morning coffee.

As I poured the hot liquid into my cup, the office started to fill with the sound of arriving employees. Soon, two women entered the room, chatting in hushed tones.

“I do not think Mr. Richmond has feelings for Miss McLain anymore,” one whispered.

The other chimed in, "Yeah, I noticed too. When the accident happened, Mr. Richmond was busy calming down his secretary who was apparently scared. Can you believe that?"

"So, it is true then? Mr. Richmond is having an affair with her?"

The conversation stung like a knife twisting in my heart. They did not notice me standing with my back turned toward them, not until I quietly stirred my coffee and began walking past.

As I turned, their faces froze, uneasy. But I kept my expression neutral, unaffected, as if I had not just overheard the collapse of whatever dignity remained between Nicholas and me.

The truth was, their gossip was not far off. The hollow shell that once held our relationship was then cracking apart, and soon, even that fragile shell would be gone.

I carried my coffee back to my desk, sitting down with a heavy sigh.

While I was focusing on my work, it was already 5 pm. My colleague, Taylor, passed by after she finished packing to go home. "You are working late again? After two days off?"

I nodded with a tired smile. "Yeah, catching up."

She shrugged. "Well, do not work yourself to death. See you tomorrow!"

"See you," I replied absently as she left.

As the clock showed 9 pm, a voice interrupted suddenly.

"Why did not you reply to my message?"

Startled, I looked up to see Nicholas, his expression a mix of frustration and confusion.

"You must have been too focused on your work that you did not check your phone, huh?" Nicholas asked again while embracing me from behind.

For some reason the memory that crossed my mind was when he embraced Courtney in front of me who was covered in blood yesterday.

"Yeah," I answered lightly.

"You should take a break," he said softly.

He opened the package he brought and placed it near my desk proudly.

"Anyway, I coincidentally just bought bubble tea for you. I bought two too. There are matcha and Thai tea flavors, which one do you want to choose?"

I just glanced with the corner of my eye before returning my focus to my computer screen and answered indifferently, "No, Nick, really, I am fine," I said, more firmly this time. "It is too late for me to eat or drink anything heavy."

It was already 9 pm, and I was used to not eating anything after 7 pm. Could it be Nicholas forgot about that too?

Well, I really was not on his mind anymore eventually. So, that was not the big matter anymore.

"You are right, but sometimes it is okay to cheat. What's more, you do a lot of things too, so you definitely need extra energy, right?" he said.

' Like what you do with Courtney lately? Is that what you mean?' was something I wanted to say to answer his words, but I said lightly instead, "No, thanks."

He sighed, putting the bubble tea down and moving to sit beside me.

"Look," he started, trying to sound upbeat. "I know I was doing wrong this morning, but I promise I will make it up to you. I will talk to the chef tomorrow, how about he comes by and cooks all your favorites? Does not that sound nice?"

I just answered coldly, "Good."

"I also told your manager to reduce your workload because you just took leave, so after finishing this task, you do not need to worry anymore," he continued, still proudly showing that he was the most powerful in Richmond.

However, that was not bad. I did not care about being spoiled. Since the faster I could finish everything, the faster I could resign.

Therefore, I turned to Nicholas and said softly, "I am very grateful to have you on my side, Nick."

Of course, it was all a fake smile.

"Well, finish up here, and we will go home together," he said, trying to mask the awkwardness. "I will just run to the bathroom real quick."

The moment Nicholas disappeared from view; his phone vibrated on the desk. A message from Courtney.

[Courtney: Why did you buy me all the flavours of bubble tea? I only like chocolate and strawberry, so I told the others to be returned and delivered to you. Have you received them?]

I could not help but let out a bitter laugh.

So, the bubble tea was not even for me. It was the leftover trash Courtney did not want.

With a sudden burst of pettiness, I grabbed my phone and typed a reply to Courtney from my own number.

[Freida: Courtney, Nick mentioned you did not want bubble tea. I ended up giving it to security since I do not eat after 7 pm. Hope that is okay.]

It did not take long for her to respond.

[Courtney: Do not worry, I gave the strawberry and chocolate ones to my dog. He loves them.]

I gripped my phone tightly, suppressing the urge to throw it across the room.

“How rude!”

Just as I was about to lose my cool, Nicholas’s voice startled me from behind, "Why are you cursing?"

I quickly locked the screen of my phone and put it on my desk. Then, I forced a smile, trying to mask the irritation bubbling inside me.

"Oh, nothing. Just…frustrated with work," I lied, pretending to be absorbed in the document on my screen.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. But instead of pressing me, he gave a weary smile. "You are always working too hard, Freida. Come on, let’s go home."

I nodded silently, gathering my things and trying to hide the turmoil brewing inside me.

As we prepared to go to sleep, Nicholas droned on about his business trip to Paris with Courtney next week.

“What souvenir do you want this time?” he asked while lying beside me.

"Just take care of yourself, I do not want anything," I replied, my voice laced with exhaustion.

Nicholas’s face shifted instantly, his furrowed brow deepening and his skin flushing red. He looked like he was on the verge of exploding.

"Since when have you been this cold to me?" he demanded, suddenly sitting up from his relaxed position. His eyes bore into me as I lay there, pretending not to care.

"Me, cold?" I scoffed, meeting his gaze with sharp intensity. "Is not that you?"

"What are you talking about?" he shot back, baffled. "I always pay attention to you."

He seemed to search his mind for what he believed was the source of the tension.

Then, with a confident air, as if he'd solved the puzzle, he added, "Oh, the breakfast thing? You are still upset about that?

“I told you, tomorrow I will make it up to you with all your favorites. Just because I forgot you are allergic to peanuts does not mean I do not care about you, Frey."

I could not take it anymore. Sitting up abruptly, I faced him, the weight of our argument too heavy to handle lying down.

"Maybe you forgot because you are too busy remembering someone else’s preferences," I said while emphasizing the ‘someone else’ part.

He stared at me in disbelief, his anger rising. "So, you are blaming me for forgetting something trivial like that?"

He grabbed my shoulder in frustration before continuing, "Do you even understand how much I have to handle since becoming CEO? You should give me some slack if I forget a thing or two.

"You know I cannot stand a girl who's overly sensitive. You used to get that, but now? Now you are just an annoying nag."

I laughed bitterly. "Oh, I annoy you, Mr. Richmond? Maybe you should just fire me then. Clearly, I have committed some grave sin to deserve your wrath."

"Enough with the jokes, Frey," he snapped. Then, he headed to the guest room.

It was his habit, always slept separately when our fights got heated, as if punishing me with silence.

As a result, from time to time, I wondered what the point of living together was when it felt like we were worlds apart.

The next morning, I dragged myself downstairs to eat the breakfast the chef had prepared. Not because I was hungry, but out of appreciation for the effort.

As I started to eat my spaghetti, Nicholas appeared, his expression unreadable.

"Since your work is done, take the day off," he ordered, his tone flat.

I did not respond, just focused on my plate, twirling the pasta on my fork as if his words did not matter.

He slid a tablet across the table toward me. "In return, make a birthday cake exactly like this one," he said, tapping the screen.

I glanced at the tablet, my stomach sinking when I saw the fondant cake with a detailed female figure on top. The reference picture who I should have made was Courtney.

At first, I felt a small flicker of warmth when Nicholas talked to my manager to reduce my workload last night, but that fleeting sentiment vanished the moment I discovered the truth.

In an instant, any lingering affection I had left for him evaporated, leaving behind nothing but cold indifference.

I snorted, exasperated, and started to reply, "You can buy…."

But before I could finish, Nicholas cut me off. "I only like your cakes. If you do not make it, I will have your manager dump all the team’s workload on you. Your choice."

His words hit me like a slap. He was coming back to his dictatorship era I started to forget.

With a sighed, I responded by, “I will take the cake.”

“Good, use this card to buy the ingredients. Let me know when it is done. Got it?" he said while putting the credit card on the table.

“Yeah,” I answered shortly, taking the tab and the card, then went away from him.

If the team’s workload fell on me, my resignation plan would be delayed, and I could not afford that. So, I had no choice but to make a birthday cake for his new lover.

“Once I finish this cake, I will finally be done with him.”

Chapter 3

Hours later, the cake was finished.

I stood back, eyeing the delicate figure that resembled Courtney. "Should I add horns?" I mused darkly. "After all, she plays the devil well."

Before I could indulge the thought any further, a message popped up on my phone.

[Nicholas: Have you finished the cake? I have asked the driver to bring it to Courtney’s apartment. Just hand it to him.]

I did not bother replying. Instead, I sent the driver a curt message, letting him know it was ready.

As soon as the cake was out of the house, I gritted my teeth and muttered, "I cannot let this mood eat me."

With that realization, I headed to my favorite book café, a cozy spot I used to frequent in my college days, back when life felt lighter and simpler.

Since meeting Nicholas, I had stopped coming. It seemed like everything I once enjoyed had been replaced by his world, his desires, and his routines.

I ordered a frappe, sank into a plush chair, and let out a soft sigh of relief as I opened a book.

"Being single does not seem so bad after all," I whispered to myself, flipping through the pages, letting the words carry me away from the mess of my life.

But just as I was almost finished with the book, my phone rang. It was Nicholas.

"What’s up?" I answered, keeping my voice flat.

However, instead of Nicholas’s voice, it was Courtney on the other end. "Oh, Frey, it is me," she cooed, her tone saccharine and smug all at once.

I did not say a word, waiting for her to reveal whatever poison she would call to spill.

"You must be exhausted after making that cake," she began, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

"But it is absolutely delicious. I have got to hand it to you, you are not only a great cook, but also a brilliant baker. Honestly, though, with skills like yours, you are more suited to be a maid than a wife."

I could hear her smirk through the phone, her mockery sharp enough to cut. Without a word, I hung up.

“Just devil being devil,” I muttered silently.

However, a moment later, Nicholas texted me. He scolded me for something I did not do.

[Nicholas: Why did you upset Courtney? She was just trying to thank you for the cake, and now you have made her cry. You have totally changed, Frey!]

A low, dark chuckle escaped my lips. I could almost picture the scene, Courtney’s crocodile tears, Nicholas rushing to comfort her, and me being cast once again as the villain.

Soon, another message came in again.

[Nicholas: Go to Courtney's apartment now and apologize to her. Oh, and stop by the store to buy some potato chips.]

I stared at the message, my frustration bubbling over. "Unbelievable," I grumbled, standing up from my seat.

I headed out to the convenience store and grabbed the chips Nicholas had so graciously requested.

But as I paid for everything, an idea formed in my mind.

Since HR had rejected my resignation letter, citing that it needed to be given directly to Nicholas, I had not been able to officially resign.

So maybe tonight, with him drunk at Courtney's place, I could finally get him to sign it.

"It would be perfect," I muttered under my breath as I hailed a taxi to Courtney’s apartment.

When I arrived, Courtney opened the door with a sly smile, immediately grabbing the bag of chips from my hands.

"Thanks for coming, Frey," she said in a sugary tone that made my skin crawl.

Inside, Nicholas was sprawled out on the sofa, clearly intoxicated. His eyes narrowed in confusion as he spotted me.

"Frey, what are you doing here? Trying to ruin Courtney’s birthday?" he slurred, clearly unimpressed with my presence.

Oh, how convenient it was that he was not the one texting me earlier. It had clearly been Courtney’s little setup, and here she was, playing innocent.

"Um, Frey just wanted to give me birthday gift," Courtney chimed in with a grin. "She even brought me chips. Is not that sweet?"

She sauntered off to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, "Okay, I will get another glass. Let’s all drink together to celebrate my birthday!"

I simply nodded, keeping my eyes on Nicholas as I searched for an opportunity.

I had no intention of sticking around longer than necessary, but if I could get him to sign my resignation letter tonight, it would all be worth it.

Fortunately, the room was dimly lit, only a small night lamp casting shadows across the bottles of wine scattered on the table. Plus, Nicholas was definitely drunk.

I walked over to him, careful not to draw too much attention.

Leaning close to his ear, I whispered, "Nick, one of my colleagues mentioned that it is been hard to get in touch with you lately. He asked me to bring this proposal for your signature. It is urgent, the client needs it by tomorrow."

Even in his inebriated state, Nicholas raised an eyebrow, his inner CEO flickering through the haze. "Did you make sure the proposal is solid?"

I was taken aback by his brief moment of clarity but quickly recovered.

"Of course," I lied smoothly. "I would not bring it to you if it was not ready. Just sign here."

I handed him the document and a pen, heart pounding in anticipation.

As expected, he signed the papers without a second thought.

Just then, Courtney returned, holding out a glass of wine.

"Here’s yours," she said, her eyes scanning me with thinly veiled contempt.

I accepted the glass and sat down briefly, only to have her zero in on the ring Nicholas had given me. "I have always admired the ring on your finger. It is so pretty."

I glanced down at the diamond ring. It was the one Nicholas had given me on our first date, a symbol of what I thought would be a promising future. How ironic that it had come to end that day.

However, I knew Courtney had been eyeing it for a while, and I was more than happy to let her have it.

"You like it?" I said, my voice cool. "Take it then. Consider it a birthday gift."

Without hesitation, I slipped the ring off and placed it on the table in front of her. Then I stood up, brushing off the final remnants of attachment. "I will not bother you any further. Enjoy your birthday."

Without waiting for a reply, I walked out the door.


The next morning, I woke to the sound of rustling paper. Nicholas was sitting on the sofa, reading a finance newspaper, looking oddly pleased with himself.

"Why did you change your phone password?"

I froze for a second, realizing he must have snooped through my phone while I was asleep.

Normally, we did not hide anything from each other. In fact, our passwords were the same, a mix of our birthdays. But since booking my ticket home, I had decided to change the password.

"Oh," I said, thinking fast. "The updated system asked me to make a new one, so I just change it."

"Fine, then. Anyway, I remember you complaining that we rarely went out to see movies together these days. So, I rented one studio theater for you. The movie you wanted. Let’s go there today," he said proudly.

I blinked, trying to recall what movie I had even asked to see, since I had not made any such request recently.

Then it hit me. It must have been ‘365 Days,’ a movie I had suggested for my birthday over a year ago.

“Sure,” I answered lightly. After all, it would be our last time.

As we came to the theatre, it was filled with couples, all cozy and close, sharing intimate whispers and laughter. But Nicholas and I were like two strangers moving through the motions, disconnected and awkward.

Inside the cinema, after sitting down, Nicholas leaned in and whispered, "I do not know why you were so eager to watch a mafia film like this."

Clearly, he had no idea what we were in for. But that was fine by me. At least I would not have to deal with the embarrassment of watching it with a crowd.

In the past, I would have loved being alone with him in a rented cinema, just us, no eyes on us, no distractions. But that day, I felt nothing but boredom.

Sleepiness crept in as the movie dragged on, and before I knew it, I had dozed off.

The next thing I knew, a cinema attendant was gently shaking my shoulder. "Miss, the movie is over."

I blinked groggily, glancing around. "Oh, thank you."

But as I looked beside me, Nicholas was nowhere to be found.

So, I stormed out of the theater and headed straight to the toilet, my mind swirling with disbelief.

“How dare he leave me like that!” I muttered to myself, trying to keep the anger from spilling over as I fixed my makeup in front of the mirror.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and of all people, it was Courtney who walked in. Her lipstick was smudged, her clothes disheveled.

She caught sight of me and flashed a smug smile, her voice overly sweet.

"Oh, Freida, you are here too?" she said, running her fingers through her messy hair. "Nick told me he rented the cinema for my birthday. I thought it was just the two of us here, but I guess not. What are you doing here?"

I watched as she sauntered over to the trash can and tossed something inside. My eyes caught the glint of foil.

The sight of it made everything click into place. Disheveled clothes, smeared lipstick, and then that thing. I could not help but feel sickened.

So that was the reason why Nicholas dragged me there out of nowhere. It was to entertain her the entire time.

I forced a smile, one that barely masked the anger bubbling beneath.

"Oh, Courtney," I began in a mocking tone, "I think Nick only rented one studio, not the whole cinema. I watched my movie with plenty of other people. Seems like he tricked you."

Courtney blinked, her smug expression faltering.

I moved closer, lowering my voice as I whispered in her ear.

Courtney’s face twisted in shock, but I did not stay to watch the fallout.

I breezed past her, feeling a sense of satisfaction creeping in as I walked out. It was not much, but it was something.

As soon as I got outside, I pulled out my phone and emailed my resignation letter, complete with Nicholas’s drunken signature from the night before, straight to HR.

[Freida: Sorry to disturb you on the weekend, but I will be out of town next week, so I am sending my resignation now. Thank you.]

With that out of the way, I returned to Nicholas’s place one last time. I placed the card he gave me and a hard copy of the resignation letter on his desk, along with a simple note, ‘We are done.’

With my bags packed and ready, I hailed a taxi and headed for the airport.

As I waited to board my flight, I sent a quick message to my parents, letting them know I would be home soon.

But when I just landed on my hometown, my phone buzzed with a message from Taylor.

[Taylor: Frey, I am so sad you did not tell me you were resigning! Why did not you say anything?]

I smiled to myself, quickly typing a reply.

[Freida: Sorry, Tay. It all happened so fast. The new company wanted me to start right away, or I’d lose the opportunity.]

A few moments later, another message popped up, that time with a tone of concern.

[Taylor: Are you sure that’s the only reason you left? Because the company group chat is blowing up about Mr. Richmond and Courtney.]

Before I could respond, Taylor sent another message, with a link to a video.

[Taylor: Check this out.]

I finally found a good place to read novels!