The Alpha's Regret

It was full moon, and my auspicious wedding night had finally arrived. I stood at the altar, waiting to meet my groom, my Alpha—Scott Stone. But as the hours ticked by, my joy began to fade into dread. I reached out to Scott through the mind link, but all I got was silence. The members of our pack and others from neighboring packs—started whispering, some even left. I could feel their eyes on me. I felt like a fool.

My mother had always been fragile, her heart cursed by being mateless. Even though she was exhausted, she had held on just to see me start a new chapter of my life with someone. But when Scott didn’t show up, it was too much for her. That very night, she passed away, and I was left completely shattered.

As if that pain wasn’t enough, I stumbled upon something that nearly destroyed me. Scott’s first love, Winona Lei, had posted something on social media. Her words stung like wolfsbane, and when I confronted Scott, his reply cut through me and my wolf, already in agony.

[We can get married any day, but she can’t live without me.]

I couldn’t do it anymore—I couldn’t keep pretending this was something I could forgive or forget.

I sent my last message to Scott through the mind link: [Scott, let's take a break.]

Then, with one final act, I blocked him, severing the last tie between us.

Chapter 1

It was a night I had dreamed of for years—the night of the full moon when my wedding ceremony would finally happen. I stood in my shimmering dress, the moonlight reflecting off the fabric, waiting for Scott Stone, the man I thought would be my forever. But he never came. As the hours passed and the moon rose higher in the sky, I realized the ceremony wouldn’t happen. I waited, eyes gleaming with hope and hurt, but in the end, I was left alone.

By the time the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, I had become the subject of whispers and ridicule among the pack. My mother's heart was already fragile and didn't survive the shame. She passed away that very night, her life ending as mine shattered. Before the day ended, Scott’s first love, Winona Lei, posted a picture. “You’re always there for me,” the caption stated. The photo showed their closeness together.

I stared at the screen, shaking with rage. I sent Scott the screenshot. “Is this why you missed our mating ritual?” I asked, but he didn’t reply until after my mother’s ashes had been laid to rest. His response was cold. “We can get married any day, but she can’t live without me.”

I didn't text back. Instead, I sent him my final message through our mind link: Let’s take a break. Then, I blocked him, cutting the last connection between us.

For seven years, I had tried to make him happy, molding myself into the person he wanted. When he said he liked short hair, I cut mine. When he made comments about my weight, I starved myself to fit his idea of perfection. I even faced my painful transformations alone, terrified of appearing weak in front of him. But no matter how much I gave, Winona was always in the picture, and Scott always returned to her. “You’re strong, Ariana. You don’t need me like she does,” he would say, using my strength as his excuse to leave.

After blocking Scott, I found myself at my mother’s grave. I traced her name on the cold stone, the reality of her absence sinking in. My mother had been a constant in my life, especially after my father passed. She had wanted to see me married to Scott, but that dream died with her.

As I stood there, Scott appeared, with Winona at his side. She clutched an urn. “This place is near my den. If I bury my baby here, it’s like he never left,” she whispered, speaking of her pet dog.

I was ready to leave, to avoid any confrontation, but Scott blocked my path. “Are you following me?” he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

“No,” I replied, my voice tired. “I’m just leaving.”

Winona’s voice broke the tense silence. “My puppy died, and Scott stayed with me for the funeral. Don’t misunderstand,” she said, her words sharp despite her sweet tone.

“Good for you,” I muttered, refusing to let her get under my skin.

“Ariana,” Scott scolded. “Can’t you be sympathetic? Winona is in pain.”

I stared at him, unable to believe what I was hearing. I had given him everything, yet here he was, defending her. “I don’t need this,” I said, turning to leave.

Scott followed. “Are you still upset about the wedding ceremony?” He asked, his voice oblivious to the hurt he had caused.

“It’s over, Scott,” I said flatly.

“She needed me. You’re strong. You can handle yourself,” he insisted. “Let’s reschedule it. There's always a wedding season anyway.”

“There’s no chance,” I said, my voice breaking.

In desperation, he grabbed my arm. “I messed up. But your mother would want us together. Let’s set a new date.”

I shook my head. “I won’t marry you.”

As I walked away, I heard him on the phone, arranging for a grand wedding. But it was too late. I was done waiting for a love that would never be mine.

Chapter 2

Before I reached the cemetery gates, a frantic call came through. The cemetery manager’s voice trembled. Someone was digging at my mother’s grave.

My mother was the epitome of kindness, a constant source of warmth and love in my life. She gave all she had to others, never expecting anything in return. Even when the doctors gave her the devastating diagnosis of heart disease for being mateless after my father died, she stayed strong. She refused to let the weight of her illness cast a shadow over my life, always putting my happiness first.

Without a second thought, I turned and ran, my heart pounding. My mother had been everything to me, always giving, always selfless. Even in her final moments, she had asked for nothing. “Don’t engrave my name,” she had said. “Just write, ‘May my daughter live a safe and happy life.’” It was her last wish.

But now, this wish has been disturbed by these werewolves!

When I arrived at the grave, the sight took my breath away. Winona was there with her followers, digging up my mother’s remains. They had discarded my mother’s urn to replace it with the ashes of Winona’s dog. Two wolfguards were digging the grave as if they had every right to.

“What are you doing?” I screamed, rushing toward them, my fists clenched.

Winona stepped back, hiding behind Scott. “This is my baby’s new home,” she said sweetly. “I spoke to the cemetery manager. The inscription fits. I’m sure the daughter won’t mind.”

I snapped. I grabbed the shovel from one of the men and started undoing the damage. “Ariana, stop!” Scott yelled, pulling the shovel from my hands.

“How could you let them do this?” I cried, but I couldn't stop. I was on my knees, digging into the freshly turned soil with my bare hands, desperate to reach my mother's urn and undo the damage they had caused.

Winona’s calm facade broke. “Stop her!” she shouted. “My baby has suffered enough. I won’t allow him to be disturbed again!”

Winona's wolfguards grabbed me, holding me back as I screamed for them to stop. "Let me go!"

Scott’s voice cut through the chaos. “Ariana... Winona's already so sad over her dog's death. Yet, you're making a big deal just because we had to pause the wedding ceremony. You’ve gone too far. Apologize to her, now!”

“Never!” I spat.

Winona dug my mother's grave! I want them to feel the agony I'm feeling right now.

But Winona saw an opportunity to manipulate Scott more because of my actions. She turned to Scott, her voice dripping with false concern. "Scott, you’ve always said Ariana was a good person, but look at her now. She’s completely unhinged, acting. If you actually marry her, you'll be the laughingstock of not just this pack, but every neighboring pack too."

"Who dares to laugh at my woman?" he shot back, his voice cold and sharp. But I saw the flicker of doubt in his eyes, the way Winona's words slowly took hold. She gave him a sweet, triumphant smile, knowing full well she had won.

Scott turned to me, disappointment etched across his face. "Ariana," he said, his voice icy, "I can't believe you're making this all about you. This is ridiculous. If you apologize to Winona, maybe —just maybe— I'll forgive you."

I locked eyes with him, my heart weighed down by a lie so deep . "And if I refuse?" I asked, my voice shaking as I fought to keep my emotions in check.

His silence is enough.

Chapter 3

“Don’t forget, your mother still needs the medication from my company. I told you there’s only one surgery that can cure her heart disease, and it’s scheduled for next week.” Scott’s voice was a low growl, a warning that sent a shiver down my spine.

He wasn’t the alpha I fell in love with. The wolf within him had surfaced, willing to do anything to protect what he claimed as his—Winona, the woman who had come between us.

“Are you saying you would abandon my mother for her?” I asked, my voice trembling in disbelief. My mother had embraced Scott as if he were her own, bringing him into our pack when he had no one. She believed he had the potential to be a powerful alpha, and a devoted mate. Scott was the ideal partner — an alpha capable of leading and protecting.

Scott had respected my mother deeply, not only because she had saved his life once, but because she had shown him warmthness when others had turned their backs. Scott always reminded her of his promise, that he would cure her, that she would live long enough to see her grandchildren running through the forest, ready to lead their packs. Now, he was threatening to cut her off, to let her die—all because of Winona.

He pulled out his phone, his eyes dark with intent. “That’s right. So, are you going to apologize or not?”

His words cut like a silver blade. I had already lost hope in Scott, but this—this sadnesss was so deep it took me breathless. Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my wolf, trapped inside me due to my father’s refusal to let me transform, howled in agony. She was a prisoner in her own body, just like me.

For a moment, Scott’s expression softened as he saw my tears. Was it possible that his wolf could feel its mate’s suffering? I can't even hear my own wolf. But before he could say anything, Winona, standing smugly beside him, cut in.

“Why are you faking your tears? I don't understand this manipulation,” she said, her voice icy. “I didn’t dig up your pack’s grave!”

With a dismissive wave, she ordered the wolfguards behind me, “Continue your work. Let my baby rest in peace already.”

The two wolfguards released me and turned back to their work. I couldn’t let them desecrate my mother’s resting place any further. My hands shook with rage as I stepped forward.

“Are you done?!” Scott snarled, and shoving me aside.

I stumbled, my shoulder colliding my mother’s urn and it tipped over, spilling her ashes across the damp earth. For a moment, the world stood still. The pain was so sharp it stole my breath away.

Watching my mother die full of regrets had been a terrible experience of my life. The grief and hatred inside me were unbearable because I couldn't even save her ashes.

As if the moon goddess was mocking me, the sky started raining. I shouted in agony, as I desperately tried to gather with my trembling hands my mother's ashes which turned into a muddy paste.

“No, no!” I sobbed, but it was useless. The rain was washing her away, and I was powerless to stop it.

Winona walked over, her footsteps squelching in the mud. She looked down at me, her lips twisted into a cruel smile. “Ariana, why are you lying in the dirt like a dog over a stranger’s ashes? Enough of this farce.”

Her words were the final blow. Fueled by a surge of fury, I pushed her away. She stumbled, eyes wide in shock, but Scott caught her before she fell.

“Ariana! You almost pushed Winona to the ground!” Scott roared, his fury directed at me. “I’ll teach you a lesson today!”

He raised his phone to his ear, calling his Beta. “Robert, don’t send the gift. Stop the medication for Ariana’s mother and cancel the surgery immediately.”

There was a brief pause on the other end before Robert’s voice came through. “Alpha, your Luna’s mother died on the day of your wedding ceremony.”

Scott’s face went pale. “What are you talking about? How is that possible?” he demanded, his voice shaking with disbelief.

“It’s true, Alpha,” Robert said grimly. “And I’ve discovered that the grave Ms. Lei buried her dog in… belongs to Luna’s mother.”

I finally found a good place to read novels!