Rejecting her chosen alpha

Travis left me to be with his childhood sweetheart on our wedding day, leaving me alone to clean up the mess, and he panicked when I finally decided to leave ......

Chapter 1: Wedding

Amari Walker had loved Travis Wright, the Alpha of the Wind Winder Pack, for nine years, despite knowing he wasn't her fated mate. Her world revolved around him, giving everything she had. However, he never appreciated her efforts, trampling on her dignity every time, believing she was so desperate for his love that she would endure anything.

In his heart, Solana, his childhood sweetheart, was more important than Amari. Unable to bear the pain any longer, she uttered the words she didn't know if she would regret, "Travis, let's break off our bond."

Travis laughed, a sound that cut deeper than any wound. "You can't be serious, Amari. You're not going anywhere. You've always stayed, no matter what."

Every word he said was dripping with venom, making her heart swell with indescribable pain. However, after everything Amari had been through, she could no longer stay with him. "I'm tired, Travis. Just let me go."

"Amari, I know I messed up. I know I have no right to ask, but please, can we start over? I still love you," he croaked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Would Amari still love and forgive him despite what Travis did to her? Or would she forget everything and find her fated mate?


As I stood at the altar, my heart was pounding with excitement. This was the day I had dreamed about for years, the day I would marry Travis, the love of my life. I smoothed the fabric of my wedding dress and glanced at the guests, all eyes on me, waiting for the moment Travis would arrive.

The sun was high in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything. It felt like the world was celebrating with me. My mother, Katrina, was beaming from her seat in the front row, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. I smiled back at her, my heart swelling with love and gratitude.

But as I stood at the altar, waiting for Travis, a chill suddenly ran down my spine. I turned around and my eyes widened as I realized the Moon Goddess stood before me. Her ethereal form shimmered in the sunlight. She was gorgeous.

"Amari," she said, her voice echoing in my mind, "something bad is going to happen. Be prepared."

I blinked, trying to process her words. "What do you mean?" I whispered, but she was already fading away, leaving me with a sense of unease. I shook my head, dismissing the warning. Today was my wedding day, nothing could go wrong.

The hours passed, and the guests began to murmur among themselves. I kept glancing at the path where Travis was supposed to appear, but there was no sign of him. Panic started to creep in, but I pushed it down, telling myself that he was just running late.

As the sun began to set, my heart sank. Travis still hadn't shown up. I looked at my mother, her face now pale with worry. Before I could react, she collapsed.

"Mom!" I screamed, rushing to her side. I cradled her head in my lap, tears streaming down my face. "Somebody help! Please!"

The guests whispered, but no one moved. I looked around frantically, my eyes landing on the pack healer. "Please, help her!" I begged, but no one came. No one even tried. I didn't understand. Why wouldn't they help my mother? Desperation clawed at me as I tried to revive her, but it was too late.

The pack healer looked away, refusing to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry, Luna Amari," she said softly. "Alpha Travis has forbidden us from helping you without his permission."

My world shattered. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mother was dying, and no one would help her because of Travis.

"Travis..." I murmured, trying to contact him through the mind link, but only silence answered me. With trembling hands, I whipped out my phone and dialed his number, but each time, his phone went straight to voicemail. Desperation clawed at my throat as I watched my mother’s life slip away in my arms. Her breathing grew shallow, her skin turning an alarming shade of gray. My tears fell on her face as I whispered, "Please, Mom, stay with me."

But there was nothing I could do. With no one willing to help, I could only watch as the light faded from her eyes. She died there, cradled in my arms, surrounded by people who stood by, doing nothing. My heart shattered into a million pieces, and a hollow numbness settled over me.

I screamed and cried, holding my mother's lifeless body as the reality of my situation sunk in.

She was gone... My loving mother was gone.

I felt a wave of anger and sorrow wash over me, threatening to drown me. My mother was dead because of Travis, because of his orders!

At that moment, the Moon Goddess' warning echoed in my mind. I had ignored her, and now I was paying the price.

I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face. Everything I had ever wanted was shattered. My dreams, my hopes, my future with Travis—it was all gone!

Despite the crushing grief, I knew I had to handle her funeral. It felt like I was moving through a fog as I made the arrangements. I chose her favorite flowers, a soft arrangement of lilies and roses, and made sure she was dressed in the gown she loved. I wanted to honor her in every way I could, even though every decision was a painful reminder that she was gone.

The day of the funeral was overcast, fitting for the sorrow that hung over me. I stood at the graveside, clutching a single rose, my mind drifting back to the happier times we shared. Memories of her laughter, her warm hugs, and the way she always knew how to make everything better flooded my mind, bringing fresh waves of tears.

People came to pay their respects, offering condolences that felt empty and hollow. I accepted their words with a nod, not really hearing them. My thoughts were consumed with questions and regrets. How could Travis do this?

After everyone had left, I lingered by her grave, the silence around me amplifying my loneliness. I placed the rose on her casket and whispered, "I love you, Mom. I promise I'll make this right." As I walked away, I felt a small, comforting breeze, almost as if she were still with me, urging me to be strong.

Chapter 2: Shattered Vows

After the funeral, I returned home, my heart still heavy with grief. As I walked through the door, I was met with a sight that twisted the knife in my body even deeper—Travis and Solana together, their bodies close, sharing a moment of intimacy that shattered what was left of my spirit.

Seeing them together brought indescribable pain to my heart. The truth was glaringly obvious now—Travis had stood me up because of Solana, the woman he couldn't bear to leave even for a moment.

I didn't say a word. I simply turned on my heel and headed to our bedroom, grabbing a suitcase and hastily packing my things.

Tears blurred my vision, but my anger and heartbreak fueled my movements. I couldn't stay here, not after everything that had happened.

As I was about to leave, Solana stepped in front of me, her expression a mixture of guilt and something else I couldn't quite place. "Amari, wait," she said, her voice soft and apologetic. "I'm sorry, but please don't misunderstand Travis. I accidentally cut my finger and I'm running a fever, so Travis took care of me. I didn't know it was your wedding."

I paused, my hand gripping the suitcase handle tightly.

Fever? So that was why Travis missed our wedding?

I felt a surge of absurdity and anger. In his heart, my mother and I were less important than a minor injury on Solana's finger.

Taking a deep breath, I declared, "Travis, I want to break up with you!"

Travis, however, misinterpreted my words as jealousy. "Can you be more sensible, Amari? We could have the wedding at any time, but Solana was injured. I couldn't just ignore her," he retorted indifferently.

'Sensible.' That was Travis's favorite word to use with me. But what did being sensible mean to him? Because he claimed Solana was his sister, I tolerated her presence in our relationship. I accepted that he carried medicine for her, rushed to her side without hesitation, and let her occupy half of his heart.

But my sensibility only earned me increasing pain and disrespect. I was done with this kind of life.

I looked at Travis coldly. "You can do whatever you want in the future. I won't care anymore."

With that, I grabbed my luggage and walked past him, leaving everything behind.

Travis finally sensed something was wrong and grabbed my arm. "Was your Mom unhappy with what happened that day? I can explain it to her."

I suddenly found the situation absurd. It had been days since our wedding, and if he had cared enough to ask me about it even once, he wouldn't be saying such stupid things now.

I pried his hand away. "There's no need."

I had always been cautious, gentle, and eager to please Travis, never showing the indifference I felt now.

Even without looking, I could feel Travis' hot gaze, then he began to follow me.

However, Solana stopped him and spoke.

"This isn't your fault, Travis. If her mother hadn't pretended to be sick, you wouldn't have been forced to marry her."

I wanted to ignore her words, but Solana suddenly spoke through the mind link. "Tsk. How's the feeling of being stood up? I told you, you're nothing in his eyes. He was never yours to begin with!"

A fury like I had never known surged through me. Without thinking, I raised my hand and slapped her across the face. My claws extended instinctively, almost digging into her cheeks. Solana staggered back, shock and anger flashing in her eyes.

I glared at Solana. "You better watch your mouth."

Solana feigned distress. "Was I wrong? If your mother hadn't pretended to be sick and pressured Travis, how could he agree to marry you?"

Travis was immediately by her side, his face twisted with rage. He instinctively shielded Solana behind him, his eyes cold. "What the heck are you doing, Amari?! Apologize to her!" he demanded. His voice was cold and authoritative.

I stared at him, my heart pounding. "Is that what you think too?"

His silence spoke volumes.

Half a year ago, my mother was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer. She was a human, and naturally, her body was weaker compared to werewolves. Knowing her time was short, her dying wish was to see me marry the man I loved. Desperate to fulfill her wish, I begged Travis for the wedding, even kneeling before him. But he believed my mother was feigning illness to coerce him into marriage. Maybe he always thought little of me.

I fell for Travis the moment I saw him. It was a coincidence that I saved him before. Perhaps it was the reason why he agreed to be with me. Despite knowing he wasn't my fated mate, I pursued him relentlessly for four years, even though I knew his preference for obedient women. I molded myself to his liking, yielding to his every whim. Yet, whenever he was with Solana, he showed a tenderness I never knew he possessed.

Solana could be playful, affectionate, and hold his hand—things I had longed to do but never dared. Once, I tried to imitate her playful demeanor, only for Travis to push me away coldly. "Amari, this doesn’t suit you," he said, humiliating me in front of others.

After that, I never attempted to be playful with him again. He never initiated holding my hand, and I always walked a step behind him. Only Solana could stand beside him, and he never refused her touch.

In the eyes of others, Travis and Solana were a couple. He proudly introduced her to everyone. If it weren't for my mother's dying wish and my desperate pleas, our wedding would never have happened.

I looked at Travis in disappointment. This was the man I loved for nearly a decade. What did I ever see in him?

Chapter 3: Breaking Point

"Apologize?" I repeated, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You want me to apologize to her after everything you've done?"

He stepped forward, his eyes blazing as he spoke, "We're not doing anything wrong. I'm just taking care of her. Now, apologize!"

For a moment, I considered doing as he asked, but then I looked at Solana, still smirking despite the red mark on her cheek. I realized that apologizing would mean accepting their betrayal, and I couldn't do that. I straightened my back, meeting Travis's gaze with as much strength as I could muster.

"No," I said firmly, my voice steady. "I won't apologize. Not to her, and not to you."

With that, I turned and walked out the door, my heart breaking with every step. But I knew I had to leave. I couldn't stay in a place where my love and loyalty were met with betrayal.

I was determined to leave, to escape the pain and betrayal. But just as I reached the door, Solana whimpered in pain, a sound so pitiful it made my skin crawl. "Travis," she said, her voice dripping with false innocence, "It hurts... Please don't let her get away with this."

Travis's eyes darkened, and any hint of the man I once loved disappeared. "Warrior!" he barked. "Hold her down!"

I barely had time to react before a massive force pinned me to the ground. Gritting my teeth, I unleashed my aura. Even though I didn't have Alpha blood, I was Travis's chosen mate, and we shared a bond that made me stronger than before.

As my aura hit the warrior, he staggered back. Just as I was about to walk away, an overwhelming energy crashed against me, making it impossible to move. Travis was suppressing me with his aura!

I struggled against the invisible weight, my heart pounding with frustration and anger.

"Stop it, Travis!" I shouted, looking up at him, hoping to find a trace of the man I thought I knew. But his eyes were cold, unmoved by my suffering.

Solana stepped forward, her expression a mask of righteous indignation. She raised her hand, and I braced myself for the blow. When it came, it was sharp and stinging, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the betrayal I felt.

"Now you know how it feels," she said, her voice low and filled with satisfaction.

Travis's aura pressed harder, making it difficult to breathe. My vision blurred with tears, but I refused to cry out. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. I closed my eyes, trying to find a fragment of strength within me.

Travis glared down at me. "You owe Solana this. Apologize, and I'll let this slide."

I opened my eyes and looked at Solana, then back at Travis. "You wish! I will never apologize," I said, my voice barely more than a whisper but filled with defiance.

Solana's face twisted in anger, and she slapped me again, harder this time. The warrior's grip tightened.

Eventually, Travis gestured for the warrior to release me. I collapsed to the floor, my body trembling from the strain.

I lifted my head, my eyes blazing with defiance.

Travis struggled to contain his anger. "Amari, don't make me angry."

In the past, Travis's displeasure always scared me into submission. His mere frown was enough for me to admit fault, without him having to utter a word.

That was because I used to care about him. But now, I care about nothing.

I glared at him and didn't utter a word.

Travis's eyes narrowed. "Amari, if you behave, I can give you everything you want, even marriage. Have you really thought this through?"

He withheld what I once longed for. Now, he used threats and promises to force my compliance.

Despite being his chosen mate, I would always be second to his childhood friend, Solana. The emptiness inside me grew, and I knew what I had to do. Enduring the pain, I responded coldly, "Travis, let's break off our bond."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Travis laughed, a sound that cut deeper than any wound. "You can't be serious, Amari. You're not going anywhere. You've always stayed, no matter what."

Contempt laced his words. His arrogance was staggering. He truly believed I was so desperate for his love that I would endure anything. My heart ached, but his next words sealed my decision.

"Besides," he added a smug smile on his face, "think about your mother's health. Didn't you say, her dying wish was to see you marry me?"

Travis, confident in my past devotion, couldn't believe I would leave him, even now that he dangled my dream of marriage before me.

Before I could retort, Solana chimed in. "Travis, I told you she was lying. If her mother were really dying, she wouldn't act like this. Don't be deceived."

Chapter 4: Letting Go

I couldn't bear it any longer. "Shut up! You have no right to speak about my mother!"

The way he tried to manipulate me, even now, was sickening. I stared daggers at them, wishing it could hurt them like it hurt me.

Travis scoffed, crossing his arms. “You're just talking out of anger. I know you won’t leave. You can’t. You’ve never been able to stand on your own.”

A bitter laugh escaped my mouth. "No matter what you say, it won't change my mind. I'm tired Travis. Just let me go."

"Shut it!" he snarled.

Frustrated, I intoned coldly, "I, Amari Walker, Luna of the Wind Winder Pack, reject you, Travis Wright as my mate!"

As soon as my words fell, Travis' expression twisted in pain.

Glaring at me, he hissed, "I, Travis Wright, Alpha of the Wind Winder Pack, reject your rejection, Amari Walker!"

In pain, I shouted, "Just let me go, Travis!"

"Shut up! You’ll regret this," Travis roared, then he called his Beta through the pack link, ensuring I would hear every word he said.

"Lawrence, cancel Karina's surgery."

Travis thought his threats would break me. He stared at me, expecting a reaction, but I just looked at him, unflinching.

At the other end of the line, I heard Lawrence respond. "Alpha, Mrs. Walker passed away three days ago, on the day of your wedding."

"What?" Travis was stunned, glancing at me in disbelief before asking angrily, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Lawrence, seemingly anxious to avoid blame, hurriedly explained, "Alpha, you specifically said that Mrs. Walker's matters didn’t need to be reported to you."

Upon hearing what he said, I mentally scoffed. It wasn't surprising. Aside from Solana, my existence or happiness never mattered to Travis.

He cut off the connection of the pack link and walked toward me. His face was pale, eyes glimmering with shock. "Karina passed away the day of our wedding," he said, his voice trembling. "I—I didn’t know."

"Of course you didn’t know," I said quietly, my voice laced with bitter resignation. "You were too busy with Solana to care."

He looked at me, his anger now replaced by something akin to remorse. But it was too late. There was nothing he could say or do to change the past. The damage was done, and I had nothing left to give him.

"Amari, it's not like that. I didn't know your mother... She was fine when we last met. I didn't know she was so seriously ill."

The last time Travis saw my mother was three months ago. I had begged him for a long time before he reluctantly agreed to meet her. By then, the cancer had spread throughout her body, yet my mother forced herself to prepare a sumptuous dinner for him.

At first, everything seemed fine. But less than five minutes after he sat down, he received a call and left, never to return. I didn't have to see his call log to know it was Solana. After all, he could always take him away with just one phone call. My mother, feeling sorry for me, didn't say anything, but she cried in bed that night.

That was the first time I considered breaking up with Travis. But looking at his face, I couldn't go through with it, so I held back the words.

I knew my mother didn’t like Travis, and wanted me to look for my fated mate, but she kept silent because she didn’t want to make me unhappy. She held on for three months, just wanting to see me marry and have a family. But Travis didn’t show up that day. My mother and I waited from dawn until nightfall, and she finally fell into my arms and never woke up.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I pushed Travis away. "It doesn't matter anymore."

Seeing my indifferent expression, Travis finally panicked. At that moment, it seemed he could sense he was about to lose me.

"Amari, believe me, I really didn’t mean to stand you up that day. If you want to get married, I’ll arrange it. Let’s get the license tomorrow, okay?"

Scoffing, I replied, "No need."

Travis asked anxiously, "Amari, why are you so stubborn?"

Yes, if I hadn’t been so stubborn, I wouldn’t have loved him for nine years to the point of losing my self-esteem. I endured his neglect and abandonment time and again for Solana. But this time, I was exhausted. I no longer had the energy to be with him.

With scars all over my heart, I left the home I had shared with Travis for two years. This time, he didn’t chase after me.

I finally found a good place to read novels!